Saturday, July 12, 2008

Rome is burning! - Part 1 "Separation of child & home"

Sometimes it is good to see friends & family. This week I had a chance to visit with friends that I have not seen in a very long time. The great thing about the visit was the laughs! We had great conversations about church, politics, children and of course high gas prices + the economy!!! In regards to the conversation I made mention of a saying I heard not to long ago...ROME IS BURNING. Is Rome burning and most Americans can't see it? I believe it is, but too many "humanist” believe we can save ourselves. If they were joking, it would be funny, but they are not. Save us? Let's see...this is a nation that denies racism, police abuse, out of control kids, public education problems, and of course God to name a few issues! Save us? There are too many motivational speakers asking people to tap into "their inner greatness". Very interesting! In our public educational system, the kids are elevated to an adult status by the teachers. The children are being told to make adult decisions. However, they are not being held responsible as adults when those decisions have negative consequences. The following is primarily about the missing link between the school and the household.

Now let's look at the schoolteachers who are basically instructed (directly and indirectly) to systematically get rid of the parents authority over the child when they are at school. "I am your friend"..."If you ever need to talk, I am here for you"..."Is everything okay at home?"...And these are comments/questions asked by the counselors and/or teachers (of course not all) at school! They seem innocent on the cover, but when they start your kid-a-talkin', then it can lead to a nice friendly call or visit by Child Protective Services. "What? Are you serious? It can't be that bad?" You probably uttered some of those questions when you read the words above. Well my friend, it is true. The questions posed by the counselors and teachers are very leading questions/comments. They can open the door for very serious issues especially if your kid does not agree with the punishment you just placed on him or her due to bad behavior or some other issue needing to be dealt with. So, the kid is upset, he or she talks to a few demon influenced (and I mean demon influenced) kids and they inspire your kid to make nicety comments to a counselor or teacher about your “unfair” treatment towards the child. The school official is obligated to report any "problems" to the authorities if it sounds like abuse (physical or verbal). "My goodness they are not being fair to will miss the party!"..."That is not right, it isn’t like you burned down the house or something"..."Parents are so stupid, I wish someone would just, well, you know, do something so I don't have to deal with this cruel and unusual punishment away from phone and friends"..."You should just talk to Mrs._____ and let her know you are having problems at home". Of course I am speaking of false accusations, not bonafide abuse cases that need to be reported. If your kid is misbehaving, then they need to be disciplined! Ah to the birds with all of this psychology crap trying to get us to be friends with the kids. You are a parent first and if fortunate enough, then you will become a friend as well. If they need a little paddle time, then break out the paddle and paddle that butt! However, don't be mistaken about the teacher/counselor student relationship. They, in many cases, are not on your side and will undermine you in a heartbeat. I am surprised to not hear more on the radio, on the TV or between Christian leaders on this topic. It is real and it is setting up another round between the enemy (Satan and his crew) and the God ordained institution called the family. I DEFINITELY will write more about this later, but your eye appetite must be tantalized a little so your brain will grasped this issue for what it is...A ROME IS BURNING ISSUE & PEOPLE DON'T EVEN KNOW IT!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Are we doing harm to the Christian image through politics?

I wonder from time to time if we are doing harm to the Christian image by aligning ourselves or committing our selves with a political party. Not in the sense of being totally separate, but in the sense of voting straight ticket with no problem!!! In essence, being committted to a party or ideology in a blind fashion. Here are 2 notes sent to Janet Parshall's concerning the war and Presidential race. Both are little dated and some of my views probably changed a little...they are both thought provoking! Also, please excuse any typos...I am not really mood to change it right now!
March 18, 2008

Janet, I am a grown man & I could just cry like a child right now. The so-called white Christian community does not get it! We will never separate the two issues is the so-called black Christian community because of the roots in this country. We in the black community are tied by a bond that was created by so-called white Christian slave masters. The reason why there is an "angry black man" is due to the in your face racist issues we deal with every day. This is a good example. MLK warned that if the non-violent movement was not taken serious then an alternative (violent) movement would take its place. Well if the black Christian community is not heard, then a more radical Christian theology will take its place. Janet, we are one of the only races, if not the only race of people that have to listen/watch to white talk show host all day on Christian radio/TV talk about our (black folks) issues and what is wrong with the our community. I feel like we are in a sound proof room with speaker mounted on the wall and all we can do is listen! I am an angry black man in America because we deal with things that white people will never understand. We are pressured from ALL sides by whites, hispanics & even our own black folks.

The reason why so many black folks will follow Barack so blindly is because white America & especially white Christian America refuses to hear our unfiltered voice! When we are hurt don't we have the right to say so?!?! When we are discriminated against, don't we have a right to say so?!?! You know what the response is when we are victims? The response is..."this is 2008 & racism is not what is used to be"..."maybe that is exaggerated"...or sadly to say from the Sean Hannity type "if this was a white man would it be racism?" If we put up a picture of a Hebrew looking or even black looking Jesus then we are controversial to the white Christian. Yet & still, we have to deal with a blonde blue-eyed European picture that looks nothing like a majority of the people in that region today!

When need a voice on national radio and on television as a fair way to communicate what we are going through. We in the black community would absolutely love to see a black president or someone in a key position of influence (not a puppet). I am so hurt and disgusted because in my heart I knew something would come up to bring down a serious black candidate


October 2007

What really bothers me the most about people in our faith & their relationship with politics is the willingness to hand over all support to one party & title. When Clinton did something foul he was stomped. When Bush does something foul it is either excused & never addressed. The pagans see this, know this & it one of the biggest reasons why we are considered hypocrites in their eyes. They see no difference between us and anyone else. In essence, we are not even handed in exposing sins. Anyway to my main issue, what is a true conservative? Janet, to Black Christians that I know conservative/republican equates to "no compassion for issues in the black community". My people could be doing better, but we are not. In some cases we need a jump start, but the view by many is that we won't get it from a republican administration. Republicans didn't help their cause by skipping the debate set up by Tavis Smiley because they were

What really bothers me the most about people in our faith & their relationship with politics is the willingness to hand over all support to one party & title. When Clinton did something foul he was stomped. When Bush does something foul it is either excused & never addressed. The pagans see this, know this & it one of the biggest reasons why we are considered hypocrites in their eyes. They see no difference between us and anyone else. In essence, we are not even handed in exposing sins. Anyway to my main issue, what is a true conservative? Janet, to Black Christians that I know conservative/republican equates to "no compassion for issues in the black community". My people could be doing better, but we are not. In some cases we need a jump start, but the view by many is that we won't get it from a republican administration. Republicans didn't help their cause by skipping the debate set up by Tavis Smiley because they were, well to be honest, scared of Black Americans. I watched the debate and probably would have considered voting Republican based on the representatives who did show up. They did well in the debate and brought up many crowd cheering responses to issues in the Black community. However, I will definitely will not vote for them mainly because of the no shows and disrespect thereof. Also I can't support them when a person like Rudy Giuliani is a leading candidate with his immoral history (wife v. mistress issue, but we continue to question Bill Clinton…mmmmmm) & huge amount of questionable police activity in the black community under his leadership. I am extremely upset with the general evangelical leadership & republicans with the way African-American Christians are being treated. The republicans would win hands down if the flat out ignorance of the party didn't get in the way of addressing our needs as well. It is sad because Black Christians is a group without a party or one that cares. Conservatives have a "pick your self up message" unless it is a select group suffering and the liberals have a message that is against our Christians values. So Janet, why don't you address these issues & if you have I apologize for missing the show. Remember, "the least of these" statement by Jesus will include a lot of Black Americans as the least & someone will be held accountable for ignoring them!!!

, well to be honest, scared of Black Americans. I watched the debate and probably would have considered voting Republican based on the representatives who did show up. They did well in the debate and brought up many crowd cheering responses to issues in the Black community. However, I will definitely will not vote for them mainly because of the no shows and disrespect thereof. Also I can't support them when a person like Rudy Giuliani is a leading candidate with his immoral history (wife v. mistress issue, but we continue to question Bill Clinton…mmmmmm) & huge amount of questionable police activity in the black community under his leadership. I am extremely upset with the general evangelical leadership & republicans with the way African-American Christians are being treated. The republicans would win hands down if the flat out ignorance of the party didn't get in the way of addressing our needs as well. It is sad because Black Christians is a group without a party or one that cares. Conservatives have a "pick your self up message" unless it is a select group suffering and the liberals have a message that is against our Christians values. So Janet, why don't you address these issues & if you have I apologize for missing the show. Remember, "the least of these" statement by Jesus will include a lot of Black Americans as the least & someone will be held accountable for ignoring them!!!