During the week of March 8th 2010 I battled, on comment boards, the issue of the canceled Mississippi prom in which a homosexual girl and her partner wanted to attend the prom. One was going to dress in a tuxedo & the other in a dress. The school officials said no to the idea & therefore canceled the prom. I am not here to fight the battle of opinions. I have already fought that battle You Tube. After fighting that battle, I realized, along with other videos I made, that it is time to GET BACK TO THE WORD! I am not saying that social issues are not important because they are. However, to the Bible believing Christian, it is only going to get worse. With that being understood, we must be more and more about preaching and teaching the WORD OF GOD.
Of course there are those who will say Jesus or if you will, Yahushua never existed. Well, there are way too many documents proving otherwise. Also there are way too many brilliant people who have put forth an excellent effort through scientific studies and debate to prove that He existed.
There are also those who say God does not exist. Well, again, there are plenty of brilliant people who have put forth an excellent effort through scientific studies and other methods to prove He does exist. We see Him through His wonderful works each and every day.
With that said, there are those who just refuse to believe in Him. They cloak there refusal to ever believe in Him with statements such as “if you prove He exists, then I will consider believing in Him”. What arrogance and self exaltation! The created of, every thing – prove Himself to a mere man. Well, He proves His existence through His creation, through His Word’s of prophecy and other ways as well. So, it is quite arrogant for man or woman, who does not even have the control his or her inner body parts (like a heart beating or stomach digesting) to think God has to prove himself to them. So, it is quite frustrating to endure people of that nature. However, we must remember that there are those who our Father, the most High, is drawing to the Messiah. We still have to be on our best behavior no matter how much we want to revert to the old man and, well, excuse my curtness, CUSS them out – it won’t profit anything and will destroy our testimony before that person. Let’s try our best to either be a seed planter or the person watering a seed that has been planted and trust God to give the increase – to make it grow.
There are those in & out of the body of Christ that are not sincere in their search or in there questioning of faith issues. Paul told Titus in the book of the same name, in Chapter 3 verse 9, to avoid foolish questions along with genealogies (a record of descent or lineage), contentions (strife), and strivings (fights or combats) about the law. Why? Because they are unprofitable and vain (useless).
Again, there are those who are sincerely searching, and the Word of God says this to you in the book of Hebrews Chapter 11 verse 6, “But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
Saints, our time here could be drawing to a close real soon, so if that is true, then we don’t have time to waste on trivial issues. We must not get too locked up in the issues of those who do not share nor will ever share the goals that we have. In closing, remember what Paul wrote to Timothy in 2 Timothy Chapter 2 verses 3 and 4.
“Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of [this] life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.”
If you don’t have a Bible, you can read it online at numerous websites, one of personal choice is blueletterbible.org. Be blessed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
...back to Word of God which is the Bible!!!
During the week of March 8th 2010 I battled, on comment boards, the issue
of the canceled Mississippi prom in which a homosexual girl and her partner
14 years ago
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