Friday, October 31, 2008

Today's housing crisis & the greedy rich!!!

Isa 5:8 Woe to those who add house to house {and} join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!

Isa 5:9 In my ears the LORD of hosts {has sworn,} "Surely, many houses shall become desolate, {Even} great and fine ones, without occupants.

Isa 5:10 "For ten acres of vineyard will yield {only} one bath {of wine,} And a homer of seed will yield {but} an ephah of grain."

Isa 5:11 Woe to those who rise early in the morning that they may pursue strong drink, Who stay up late in the evening that wine may inflame them!

Isa 5:12 Their banquets are {accompanied} by lyre and harp, by tambourine and flute, and by wine; But they do not pay attention to the deeds of the LORD, Nor do they consider the work of His hands.

This reminds of today when builders are grabbing land and building homes and high rises like crazy. The laws of the land have made it so the city can grab your land and use for higher tax potential. Albeit the verses tie into Israel, but they tie into our issues today in a scary way!!!

I apologize for being black

"We tend to be the only people apologizing for being black and giving an unwarranted explanation of why we are supporting a black person."

That was part of a comment I sent to a brother in the faith concerning our supporting a black candidate running for president. Out of fairness to the brother, he equated Obama and his beliefs to be in line with anti-Christ beliefs. Some of his beliefs are not in agreement with all Christian views, but can you name one President who did have all Christian beliefs in full swing while in office or running for the office? I am offended because it is all coming up now…ironically when Obama is running and yes, it being pushed by black folks who have remained silent about the issues when other candidates ran in the past.

Now being that we have never been in this position before, it seems a little awkward. Obama was just a "hope he does well" thought in early 2008. Now it appears he is going to win it all! I have heard some of the most interesting comments. One preacher said the Lord lay it on his spirit that Obama has the spirit of anti-Christ. It was utterly amazing to hear those comments. I will be the first to say it is a little strange for one man to command so much attention and pull such crowds. However, I believe the Word teaches us that we will not be here when the beast takes his reign. So, if Obama is a precursor to the beast (anti-Christ), then we are definitely closer to the rapture than expected. I don't know if he is, but if he is not, then the preacher who said the Lord laid it on his spirit ought to be more careful with his statements! Now the other side of this thing is the statement aforementioned..."I am not voting for him because he is black." Why not? There are people not voting for him because he is black (black & white folks alike). I don't think it is wise to base the decision solely on his color, but how many times have we as voters actually voted for someone based on one agenda point? Case and point...Bush and the gay marriage issue. Or maybe the abortion issue. Both issues are serious, but are used as scare tactics. The Republicans used it masterfully in 2004. The same party that is pushing to get government out of our business was pushing both agenda points as if government was the sole savior to eliminate both issues. Let's face it...even if abortion was made illegal, women would go to a back woods doctor. And if we have not notice lately, the problem is not gay marriage, but homosexuality in a whole. Have you seen the choir lately or the gay in the pulpit? Both issues are topics I will cover in a separate blog. This issue, apologizing for being black, is an identity crisis. Have you ever felt like talking a little more proper when in the grocery line speaking to a white person? Ever felt embarrassed when a black person is getting a little too loud in the store? I can go on and on with examples, but my point should be well taken. If you want to vote for the man because he is black, well just do it and don't worry about what other folks will think. I believe he has a better plan than the others and I like his poise under pressure...and oh yeah...I am voting for him because he is black. That does not make me a hating racist, it is me wanting to see black people to do well, especially in light of all the hell we have gone through in this country/world-wide and still are experiencing it to this day. I look forward to the day when we will hear the words..."the President of the United States"...and then a black man approaches the podium as the very man!!!